sedap der... makan... nasi goreng pataya.. uhuh actually.. bukan sedap tp tp lapa heehhehee.. :P errrkkk alhamdulillah... :) rezeki untuk ari ni.. satu hari x pat nasi.. huhuh.. ok! tonight i'm gonna to talk.. about....................................................................... jeng jeng... hehehe
R.E.S.P.E.C.T .. How u treat people?.. how u treat urself .. ? hahaha its just intro k.. ok!
ok... sebab aq tergerak na tulis pasal respect sebabbbb... :) ptg tadi dalam kelas.. aq rase respect sgt penting.. even dgn lect n class members... or even senior or junior respect is more important than who u r.. maksud aq cam ni.. hmmm.. even lam kelas ko rase ko bagus than others.. tapi kalau perangai cam ... hape bek aq rase ko duduk lam kelas sorunk2.. so senang na bercakap .. hurmm.. .. tp... aq rase kelas aq tak de masalah respect or nope ni. .
kat sni... aq na cakap... x kesa la high or low profile ape ke korunk ni. please respect others... x kesa anak dato' , tan sri , menteri.. ke ape ke.. anak tokey ayam ke.. anak tokey balak ke ape ke.. but please use this word R.E.S.P.E.C.T jgn na blame org je bile org x respect kite k? :)
here2.. some aq na add.. "SENIOR vS JUNIOR" bukan super junior korunk 2.. ni aq na cakap sal senior or junior yang dekat sekeliling korunk... maksud aq.. cam ni.. mmg .. selalu dgr dak junior complain senior etu la ini la ape laa. tp "junior" sedar x? hahaha.. *ceh bajet senior doe ko aida* hmmm.. junior kadang2 yg minx di "respect" tp dorunk x sedar.. sebenarnyer senior respect dorunk as "person" but... junior jugak yg buat senior hilang hormat kat dorunk.. perhhh kadang2 menyirap ngak kat dk2 freshie ni... bukan ape... hmm.. senior x buat ape pon kadang2 then korunk na pandang2 cm na telan kitorunk kenape'? adoyyy.. pelek2.. than korunk yg na bajet senior kenape? please.. to all junior ... jgn salah kan senior if dorunk hilang hormat kat korunk k... hadoih.. even aq baru 2 sem kat sni.. tp siries terase dgn "THE JUNIOR2" yg terrrlebey ni.. hurm..
junior cakap... "bajet la senior ni" dorunk x sedar dorunk yang bajet senanyer... junior cakap.. "apehal senior pandag2 doe" dorunk tatau dorunk yg pndg kitorunk cm na telan.. junior ckp " eh asal ramai senior kat sni" hoi xkan na sume dak batch hang ja toqq? agak2 der..
haha.. terlebey emo aq nyer entry ni... tp xde pe pon just ckp.. ok.. skunk da jadi part 2.. baru tau rase cm ne jd senior even aq baru beze 1 sem haiyooo... huhuhuhuh...... !! haiyarkk.. respect respect! :D
LAGI SATU... korunk rase "COOL"..? bile bising lam kelas mase org lain tgah present something? its cool!? hahaha.. ==" NOPE OK!. cube pk perasaan org 2 k... :)
p/s: respect others ... n urself... kalau na org respect k :)
abess.. penattttttttttt weyhhh sok jumaat yehaaa.. huhuhu
==" hehehehehehe =="