nekos Pictures, Images and Photosok!!!!!

tgn aq da mule keras!!!!!!! argh!!
i can't believe it!!!
oh n0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
niyh sume psl gitar r niyh..,..xpe22...
aq rela demi gitar... haiiizz (*sob sob)
bnyk ngak lgu2 yg sng2 yg dak tu bg,, (*sng bg dy r haizz))
tp 1 pe pon aq x pt main *wasaweyh! haha
xpe22.. hurmm.. bile na dpt main niyh...
wanna play guitar is more difficult from learn add mathz !?
THT day b4 learn guitar cord i thought is sooo easy !! but !!!
it become like hell!! haiyark! :(
but... i keep trying n never giv up at the 1st step! *gilak

esok 31/12/2010 aq blik kg... so x pt na praktis..
haiizzz.. minx2 x lupe r kod2 tu..
*jgn crik aq kt fb keyh.. tex @maxis@dg@celcom
*poyozzzzz aq!! ahah
hurmm... TS smlm x jdik g....
btul kter Naiem cuty lme lg so x perlu tergesa2..
chill2 sudaa...~~ en zaty n ana?

hurmmm... lme x jumpe2 dak2 SPIANZ....hurmm..
ezty,zqa, fatin,khad, nisa,mira, dashu...
hurmm... mne korg sume??
hurmmmm... ;(

pe lg na tulis... hah! aq kt kg... mybe lam 5 /6 ari..
to saidatul gewdik! ko tnye au abg ko.. haha
aq tnye abg sedare aq... nty aq na dgr ko punyer strumming.. *phm x? hahah
keyh22... last words... BILE NA PNDAI NIH!!!!!! :p

==" hehehehehehe =="

nekos Pictures, Images and PhotosGUItar version~~~!!!~~

smlm 29/12/2010

aq, saidatul, fara,wani,ana,naiem n zaty,.,,

lepark kt t.jaya pj....
cer mule cm niyh...
aq smpi kol 10 heheh.. jnji kol 9 lbey ... saidatul smpi kol 9.45 ((elelh bru 15 minit na kec0 hhaha!)
ri tu na g AMCORP spe lmbt?? haha... ni kire blsn r weyh... *de ke patut jnji kol 11 si Saidatul bru na siap kol11?? haizzz... pe kejadah nyer.. berjam aq mnuggu miskal.. haizzz

ktorunk dtg t.jaya yg xberape na jya niyh.. *kurg aja statement aq seyh,,,heheh..
kunun2 na bljr mne gitar... tp...!! aq dak agk... xkn bljr sgt pon heheheheh... bcoz ALWAYS like tht lar... when we sit 2gether nothing else than talking n talking
mule2 mmg smgt!! niyh.,,.((tp aq plek c saidatul x bwk pape pon... kertas kod ke... pen ke..hahahhaah)) lwk seh!!! hahah

x kesa lar kan... nseb bek aq bwk kod2 tu.. hehe... ley lak dy mara aq sbb x print lgu love story yg dak tu bg... haizz...

mule strt,,, *chat_ing....
mule2 aq gtau pe yg aq dpt from dak klang yg add aq tu... (( aq plek je when strt ckp sal dak tu.. c saidatul wt muke sngal)) haizz.. asl ko?? haha.. nseb bek dy soh forward kt korg ngakk... klo x aq jer dpt...kre ok r tu kn?. wakakakkaka.. :P

lg,,,bnyk r info yg aq dpt from dak tu... dah pro r katekan... okok..

mls r na.. cer.. klo cer sure x hbis smpi berarus pages...
aq na gtau time dak2 niyh smpi...

fara n wani:: smpi kol 12/1 lbey,,, jnji kol11 lbey,,, hahah
izaty,naim,ana:: ampi kol 2.30.. jnji kol12.30.. hahah..
aq :: kol10.. jnji kol 9 lbey *9.45... lmbt 15mint je
saidatul:: kol 9.45 jnji 9lbey.. hahaha.. ok r tuh...haha

sume jnji cm kel je ku tgokk... klo ng abg/abh/ emk aq,, sure da hp x stop bunyi hg tau x? haha..
tp nseb bek aq n atul.. :P

smpi je dak2 tu.. wani,fafa, n atul grak g amcorp.. ntah pe dibuat.. :P

skunk time agenda aq ng my geng *nex..

dah2.. nex!!
i hope my friends and i will be a good guitarist 1 day at least boley main lgu..KAU ILHAMKU -MAN BAI... *full of hope..
insyaallah....klo... de kesempatan.. huhu :)

& lastly... thax kat dak yg bg aq bk gitar tu... (xyah sbut nme r) n zaty thax ngk cozz gtau dy * err sengal.. haizzz...

tp aq plek je kot.... asl dy baek sgt na bg buku tu kt aq n member2 len/??? padahal bru je kot knl aq.. blom smpi 1 ri kot.. haizz... mhl kot buku. tu... tp x pe2 rezeki jgn ditolak mush jgn d cri.. hahah :P


==" hehehehehehe =="

nekos Pictures, Images and PhotosTHE ending OF our frenship??

i dn't believe it were happened....

hope one day our frenship will be okay like b4...
hope ALL of us will 4give each other... i can't live life like this

miss all the things tht were happen in our daily life before SPM
LAUGHING , chat_ing, disturbed people, kidding...

i believe it will happen again~~ hope so!!

how long we must like this FRENS!?!?!


no one's perfect~~~~~

==" hehehehehehe =="

nekos Pictures, Images and Photosttbe jer...

Ttbe je de stu aura bengang lam dri aq ri niyh!!
blar r.. mls !!! arhg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

==" hehehehehehe =="

nekos Pictures, Images and Photosayt2 yg agk best bg aq...heehehe

ayat2 yg agak mmbuka mataku.. heheh..n ade ngak yg terlintas d'pkrn ku
bnyk yg terpikir sndri ayt2 niyh... ee... cam jiwag lak aq niyhh.. hehe.. n ade
ngak yg amek kt wall dak2 kt fb niyh...

Seorang shbt lebeyh baik drpd 1000 kawan
((by azah))

cinta tiada bersyarat, org mencintai x perlu meletak syarat akan dicintai,
org menyintai x perlu meletak syarat akan memiliki,
org menyintai x perlu meletak syarat untuk memiliki
((by Syuk rie))

Jatuh cinta x semestinya menyintai, menyintai x semestinya bercinta, bercinta x semestinya dicintai...
((by aq sendri))

ianya ada tp hakikatnya tiada, ianya nampak tp hakikatnya x nampak,
ianya sudah hampir tp hakikatnya maseh jauh..
((by ihsan))

ade sesiapa yg berani mengaku dirinya seorg shbt??
siapa shabt??
apa itu shabt??
mengapa shabt??
bagaimana shbt??
bila perlu shbt??

Menjaga haty org lain lebeyh sukar drpd menjaga seorg bayi.
(((by aq lar haha))

Muzik bukan kehidupan ttp hanya irama yg menghiasi kehidupan
((by aq ngak))

Mudah meminati x mudah menyayangi
((by ihsan))

Renung hari mendatg bgai mrenug lakaran angan2 kosong jika drenung tanpa usaha
((by aq lagi))

Hormati org lain sebelum anda diberi penghormatan terakhir
((by aq lagi))

cintai diri dahulu sebelum mencintai orang lain
((common kan dgr ayt niyh))

aku bukan kaw. kaw bukan aq
((by aq lar))

jangan mudah menabur janji, kalau sukar menepati janji

jangan lunturkan keegoan atas keegoan org lain

jangan mencintai jika dibenci, jgn membenci jika dicintai

LORH!!! jiwang seh..
hahahehhe.. aq ke yg tulis niyh weyh!! hahah

==" hehehehehehe =="

nekos Pictures, Images and Photostoday!!!

hari niyh~~~~aq ng annnna jerr yg on9...
de org on9 tp cm x on9... bia r kan... ade aq kesa... wat kte ana,,,
aq ng ana jer tggal.. da mcm cter 10 dak itam lak... haizzz..
10 budak main tepi kolam 1 jatuh kolam tggal 9...
9 budak itam panjt2 pokok 1 jtuh pokok tggl 8
8 budak itam main kejar2 1 ptah kaki tggl 7
7 budak itam tumbuk2 sorg kne tumbuk tggl lar 6
6 budak itam main tepi jl sorg kne lggr tggl 5
abiskan lgu niyh... hahhahaha..

cukup sampai d'snin je lirik nyer

zaty:: g camer0n...
fatin::g mne yeh? na mndi sungai ktenyer
zqa::blek kg
iem:: abg dttg uma
ezty:: g perak , na g b.merah!!
yg len aq tatau... biak p lar...

pape jer r kan NA???
pe na wt kan.... xde spe na on9 dah... sume sebork merendek!! haizzzz

tggl kte je kan ANA!!!
AQ tulis pon pakai wane ijo... hahahahahahaha

==" hehehehehehe =="

nekos Pictures, Images and Photoswanna be tha guitarist must be PASSION!!

haizzz....N0W!!! I Kn0w how hard to play guitar...must be passion , passion n passion. WTF! ..
  1. need to remember all the cord
  2. make sure ur hand can move faster to run the key
  3. never giv up 4 a short time bcoz wanna be a good guitarist it may take time
  4. practice practice n practice
fafa n saidatul pon~~~~ tgah stdy gitar!!! haahaha,,,
3 gurlz fight for being a GUITARIST
jeng jeng jeng!!!
AQ da ajk en??
ko kne ade minat ~~~~n inisiatif hahaha

1st time ingt na amek kos akustik gitar... tp..
SO !?

doakan aq berjaye keyh! :P

==" hehehehehehe =="

nekos Pictures, Images and Photosbudak2 zmn skunk!

aq plek tol dgn peragai dak2 kcik zmn skunk niyh,.,,, haizzz.. asal r biadap sangt umo bru 5,6 tahun
tapi!!!! perangai cam ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x paDAN KECIK
lantak korg r.... ade aq kesa!??!!?!?
JGN na wt semark kt tmpt aq suda.. korg na wt pe ke hape ke lanx!
xde kje aq na aja korg cre jd mnusia hahaha!!
mak bpk ko ade en ... so jgn kco aq,,
budak2~~~~~~ tu r ayt yg aq bengang na dgr haizzz...
mmg R budak2 tp xkn na senyap je kot ape2 yg dorg wt??
pe kes???
klo da mulut biadap??
klo na menjahanamkan bende aq xkn na diam kot??
itu suda lebey....
bukan x pena kecik dulu..

sume org perna jd knk2 rite??


XDE LAK AQ NA rosakn brg org?plek22222... asal dak2 skunk cm 2????????

aq xde r kte aq baek... tp yg aq ingt xde lak aq de wt pape kt org smpi org begg ng aq..WTF!?
h0pe perangai dak2 kecik nih elok da besa nnty!! haizzz... LANTAK P LA HG!

==" hehehehehehe =="

nekos Pictures, Images and Photosmissing s0meytHinG~~~~

feel did i lost s0mething or someb0dy??
the feeling came after i'ev finished my school life. How long must could i face this feeling?@!?!?!?! my day was empty !!!! n full of b0ring !!!! like **** ...

but i have 2 accept thiz becoz school life as a school student at smk * ** will never repeat back! n life must g0 0n~~~~~~~~

m0bile phone, laptop, mp3, n other gadgetz is my bFF's !!! with this things i could fight with my buddies!! ex:: sms,chat-ing, wall war (hahah), fb-ing, blog_ing for 24 hourz7.. n boley melayn perasaan ng mp3!! hahah..*going crazy!! nyett nyett nyett,,,
==" hehehehehehe =="

nekos Pictures, Images and Photosyerr!

AQ x membenci sseorg jika x dbnci,
AQ x menyukai ssorg jika x dsukai,
AQ x menghina ssorg jika x dhina,
AQ x mempercayai ssorg jika x dpercayai,
AQ x mencintai ssorg jika x dcintai,
AQ x memusuhi ssorg jika x dmusuhi,
AQ x mengkhianati ssorg jika x dkhianati,
AQ x mengingati ssorg jika x dingati,
AQ x memungkiri jnji jika x dimungkiri,
kerna aq MANUSIA biasa yg punya haty dan persaan ,
kerna aq bukan ROBOT yg x punya hty dn perasaan,
kerna aq hanya insan biasa,
mgkin kau robot??
mgkin kau ???

wrriten by~~~~ aq larr... haha
==" hehehehehehe =="

nekos Pictures, Images and PhotosNubhan - Aku atau Dia [LIRIK DI SKRIN] *High Quality*

==" hehehehehehe =="

nekos Pictures, Images and Photoshurmmm...

fr0m n0w n onwards i'm not school student anymore...
feel nothing ,empty, sad, epy....n for sure i get the freedom ..
wht can i say rite n0w is... i'm g0nna misss my schoo,t-cher, frens, canteen , anjung bestri, stuff room.... haha,, actually more than tht!...

i will never f0rget all about my school...

i want back to school life... with my frens n tchersss... could i? ofcoz not!!

the nex thing is.... i will face the future,, with some difficulities
but i ev move with the flow without turning back...

my nes destiny is.... hurmmm...
==" hehehehehehe =="

nekos Pictures, Images and PhotosCONFIDENT PLIZ COME 2 ME!!

FELT nothing...
i really need some1...
at list can me make laugh now...
but i dun think so ev s0me1 out there can do tht..
because.... my feeling rte now is EMPTY.. n clueless... n the one thing i really need n0w is!! FEEL CONFIDENT 4 TOMORROW!... HOPE 2morrow i would do the best in econ!

really really need somebody!! would u??? lolzzz
==" hehehehehehe =="

nekos Pictures, Images and Photosn0w n soon..!

spm!! 2morrow i ev the freed0m at 4 p.m.
all the suffer will be the end..

i dun think so... i could get the target tht i ev do b4 the spm..

i don't have confident 2 get tht! nowadayz!

i fell so guilty 2 myself... i dun noe y??!

alotzz of feeling in my mind!!

i need some enjoylista now!!

i just wait 4 2morroe ... end of war!!

should i compare it with summer or winter seasonz?? hahah
==" hehehehehehe =="

nekos Pictures, Images and PhotosWTF!?

my feeling now forced me to write thiz blog even n0 once will read this...
i prefer not tell anyone about my blog.. bcoz its something personal..
maybe i would do the nex blog to mu fellows friend out there.. if they could read this.. them sure laugh n could believe tht i ev write all things here.. LOLZ

ALL MY frenz out there wanted 2 n0e my blog add...
the simple word i would say is... " wht blog?? haha... u all not ever never noe about my blog" hahah...

there's nothing rite?? hahah...
==" hehehehehehe =="